Thursday, January 7, 2010

Now I Am Free

I had an early appointment this morning at The Big Hospital. I had x-rays taken of my right humurus and my right ankle. I broke the first on Mother's Day, and shattered the second in a terrible fall down the stairs.

I saw Pete, the surgeon who put my arm back together and rebuilt my ankle. He did a great job on the ankle. My outcome has exceeded everybody's expectations, including his. My ankle is flexible, and once I got my tendons stretched out (after basically 4 months in bed) I walk without a limp. And no, my ankle doesn't ache when we are about to get wet weather.

He discharged me. I know what to look for by way of trouble. Told me not to hesitate to call if I felt there was a problem. And that was that. My wife and I walked out. Walked out. Can't tell you how good it feels to say that. Every single visit has seen me taken in by wheelchair. My first post surgery visit to Pete's office my wife was to accompany me. She showed up at the rehab center so sick that I sent her home. So I was hauled there by myself and dumped at X-ray.

I found out the meaning of vulnerability that day. I was in xray on a very crowded day in pajamas, hospital slipper sox. No ID, no money, no cell phone. Talk about feeling exposed and powerless. I ended up being at The Big Hospital for hours.

I never felt so grateful to get back to the rehab center.

Today I walked in and walked out. The day after the surgery where my ankle was rebuilt, when I was half crazy with pain and painkillers, I never thought the day would come.

Today I begin to reclaim my life.

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