Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Young Senator Announces

The Young Senator announced his candidacy for Governor of the state on Monday. He made his proposal for a two tier tax sales tax system the centerpiece of his announcement. Predictably, the usual suspects went on the attack. The two party chairs, who are widely unknown and largely irrelevant agreed that raising taxes was a poor idea,

Our local talk radio, dominated by right-wingers, were a chorus of disapproval. The Facist Beast, about whom I will write later, was especially withering and personal in his denunciation of the candidate. We also heard from the local Tea Party tendency. All we got from all was what they are against.

I'm agnostic about the two tier sales tax. Our state does exempt a lot more stuff from the sales tax. All food, most clothes, over the counter drugs and many personal services to name but a few. A review of this is in order.

It's clear that there needs to be a serious reexamination of government at all levels. The United States is effectively insolvent at all levels. This is the Big Ugly Fact that can hide in plain sight because no one, and I mean no one, wants to deal with it.

So I give the Young Senator a lot of credit for raising the Big Ugly Fact right from the start. The road back to national solvency will be hard and painful. YS has proposed a new tax, a most regressive one, that will fall heavily upon the poor, the working people and the middle class.

As this campaign progresses I will be very interested to read what sacrifices YS will be demanding from the upper middle class and the downright wealthy, as their part in righting our listing ship

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