Sunday, January 3, 2010

No Resolution

I don't make New Years' resolutions. I never have. Even when I was a kid the lack of any real commitment to the thing resolved was usually apparent. Even when the adult in question was sincere, it was usually a fleeting thought, brought on by a sudden near miss of some kind, or by guilt. (Did I mention I was brought up in the middle of a bunch of Irish Catholics?)

I do make resolutions. They have been few, but I meant them all and acted upon them. I made my first resolution in the middle of high school. There have been less than a half dozen of them since. All were brought on by an intense, impossible to ignore reaction to my own life at the time. For instance, after two and half years in the employ of The Kid, I resolved to leave City Hall. It took me a year, but I did.

My point is, I make resolutions to change only when it's inarguable that I must change, first and foremost for my own good, but also for the others close to me. I think I'm like most people.

If I were to give advice to anybody facing a personal situation that must change, it would be to face the situation with brutal realism, craft a course that actually addresses the situation (don't waste time with illusionary options) and then don't wimp out when the things you hopefully put in place start to get results. Live with what you brought about.

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